The start of the New Year is the perfect time to dream.

But, sorry to tell you- dreams don’t come true.

Rather, it’s goals that can forever change your life.

You need to set goals in order turn your dreams into reality.

Don’t Confuse Dreams and Goals

Dreams are easy. Dreams are free, too.
However, dreams by themselves are just that… dreams.
They’re imaginary. And they don’t produce tangible results.
You need to turn your dreams into action. You need goals to make the visions of your dreams real.

It’s time to make plans for 2017.

If you do any kind of goal-setting, you are among the 20% who do. According to personal development expert Brian Tracy 80% of people give no thought whatsoever to goals, another 16% contemplate goals but don’t write them down and only 4% of people actually take time to write down their goals! What’s more amazing is how only 1% of those regularly refer back to them during the year!
Study after study has proven, those are the people most likely to succeed.

Out of all the possible categories, our favorite 7 to gauge are:

•Free/Family Time
•Personal Growth
•Making A Difference

But the big secret you leverage when you refer back to the record of your goals, is that now you make achievement a game!
Wisdom comes from reflection – not time, so observing past successes, as well as unmet goals, is a major key 🔑 to a #MillionaireMinded future.

Think about every game you’ve ever played. The whole idea that makes you want to keep going and playing (and getting better) is “keeping track. What makes people addicted though, is the random reward.

It’s like bowling- you have to see the pins you’re trying to hit and if they fell before you can celebrate. However- once you’re able to compare your results and see completely at random your progress in diff categories you’re having what we call “fun” 😃

Convert as many goals as possible to “bowling pins” by attaching numbers. Saying you increased sales, for example, doesn’t give you much to plan. How much did sales go up? And why? That’s what you need to know so you can make it a game – and see where and how to get better at it.

For instance:

What Did You Accomplish Last Year?
Whether you wrote goals down or not this time last year, take some time to think about what you achieved in the last 365 days. Did you:

* Generate money in some new way?
* Create an important new client relationship?
* Increase number of people served?
* Give more hours to a cause?
* Read more books?
* Get more social media followers?

However- numbers are the magic sauce.
The more you can put numbers with those accomplishments, the more you can gamify your achievement. So consider:

* What new revenue amount did you achieve?
* What is the annual projected revenue amount that important new client or relationship will generate for your business?
* How many total customers did you serve last year?
* How many points did you love about each book you read? How many of those lessons are you applying? How much is free time or disposable income going to change because of it this year?
* How many social media followers do you have now versus last year?

What Is Reasonable For The Coming Year?
It’s easy to pull a number out of the air for a goal. You want two hundred customers? One million in profits? Well what does that even mean? How will that require you to change? You have no concept unless you have your records.

However, if you know you had 50 customers last year and now you have 100 then 200 is a nice, big make-you-stretch goal. Also, now you have a way to chart performance goals every month and then every week and then every day.

The key to making your goals more like a game is being able to look back on your accomplishments, to first revel in what you achieved- And then to set the bar higher for not just the next 12 months- but the next 52weeks and then the next 365 days too.

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