Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…

Think about that.  How do you actually want to be treated? Do you want to be treated in a mediocre,average lackadaisical manner?  Do you like being taken for granted? How do you feel when you do something for someone and they barely acknowledge it?

If all money in the universe comes from other people, these are clues.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his essay, “Compensation,” said each person is compensated in equal proportion to that which he or she contributed. In other words: The Law of Compensation is just another way of expressing The Golden Rule. Its just another way of expressing the idea of karma. All it says is that you will always be compensated for your efforts and for your contribution, whatever it is, however much or however little.

Increase Your Value

This Law of Compensation also says you can never be compensated in the LONG TERM for more than you put in. The income you earn today is just an echo of the service you have invested in the past. Therefore if you want to increase tomorrow’s compensation you have to increase today’s service .

Fill Your Millionaire Mind With Love

Your attitude, your feelings of happiness and satisfaction, are just the result of the thoughts you’ve chosen. If you fill your own mind with thoughts, visions and ideas of success, service , happiness and optimism, you will be compensated by those positive experiences in your daily activities.

Do More Than You’re Paid For

The magic formula for compensation is “How well you serve” X “How many you serve“. Call it the “Law of Overcompensation”. This one says the greatest success always comes to those who make a habit putting in more than they take out. They do more than they’re paid for. They’re always looking for opportunities to exceed expectations. And because they’re always overcompensating, they’re always being overREWARDED with LOVE, FINANCE and yes- the SELF ESTEEM that goes along with their personal success.

Employ the Cause, Enjoy The Effect

One of your only true responsibilities in life is to align yourself and your activities with Law of Cause and Effect (and its corollaries), accepting that it is an inescapable law that always works, whether anyone is looking or not. Your job is to institute the causes that are consistent with the effects that you want to enjoy in your life. When you do, you will realize and enjoy the rewards you desire.

Light’s, Camera-Action!

Here are two things you can do NOW:

1. Remind yourself regularly that your rewards will always be in direct proportion to your service to other people. What would you change about your process if you only got paid when your customer or client got a result? How would you increase the value of your services to your customers today?
2. Look for ways to go the extra mile, to use the Law of Overcompensation in everything you do. This is the great secret of success. In anything.

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