The “Watch Your TV” Challenge!

Now y’all know that can’t mean what it looks like… and you’re right. Here, TV stands for Transformational Vocabulary. Who’s ready?

STEP 1: Become conscious of the habitual words you use to describe esp ‘negative’ feelings. Begin to notice the labels you’re putting on things. If you say something like, “I’m really worried about this,” stop yourself. Maybe “worry” is too strong. Maybe you’re really “a bit concerned.” MAYBE you’re just “interested”. Monitor your language and make sure your language isn’t exaggerating the intensity of your emotions. Or- even better yet, use the power of choice to pick a word that lowers the negative vibration: “I’m ‘furious'”could become “I’m a little ‘irritated'” or ‘disappointed’.

If somebody asks you, “How’s it going?” instead of “okay,”😴 what would put a smile on your face to even say? What would break your own pattern? “I feel like a GIANT!” or ” if I feel any better I would need a TWIN!”👥Be playful with yourself.

Or what about a simple response like “I’m committed” or “I’m lucky” or “I’m grateful.” (along with actually taking a moment to think about what you are grateful for). We often lose sight of what’s beautiful in our life because of a few things that veer out of line with our expectations.

…unless it’s not a real word! My brother says I cheat in scrabble but really he challenges everything and loses until he’s scared to challenge anymore😩▶️🔙 for #OWS164 641-715-3413;656202# (for ref number just use ##)


Write down three words you currently use on a regular basis that intensify those negative feelings or emotions. Be honest. Maybe you use words like “I’m frustrated,” “I’m depressed,” or “I’m humiliated.” I know someone My Mom who loves the word “wounded” 🙄. Come up with alternative words that will lower the intensity of those negative vibes.

I’m  depressed “a little bit down.”

I feel wounded “uncomfortable” with how the situation was handled.

You can soften emotional intensity even further by using modifiers (“I’m just a bit peeved,” Tony Robbins loves that one) or, “I’m feeling a tad out of it” )

STEP 3: Write down three words that you use to describe when experiences are positive. When someone says, “how’s it going?” come up with three creative words that will amplify and intensify the positive feelings and inspire you. Instead of talking about how things are “all right,” replace those words with “incredible,” “outrageous,” and “spectacular!” I use exclamation marks but just imagine what happens if you only whisper! #StillWorks What’s a positive word that if you really thought about your whole life, you could feel when you say it?

Cant we all just get along… with ourselves?

STEP 4: Get leverage so you follow through. Pick two key people in your life—a close friend and ideally someone you respect & dont want to disappoint. Funny how many times those are two different people right?😂 Pull them aside and explain to them your commitment to replace two or three key words in your vocabulary. Most importantly, give them permission to ask you, if they hear you using the old word, if that’s the way you really want to feel.

For example: Let them know if you start to say, “Donald f’n pisses me off,” that you want them to intervene and ask you, “Do you mean Donald’s behavior frustrates you a bit Ziq?” I know this sounds ridiculous but if you are committed, a simple reminder will get you to catch yourself and lower the intensity immediately. Even if it leaves you “a tad miffed”😩😂😂😂😂

If you do this well, you’ll find yourself smiling while you do it, like a good inside joke, but it’s impact is no laughing matter. Making a commitment to these changes wit’s a friend or an important and/or respected colleague will give you the additional support and incentive to actually follow through and break the cycle.

By carefully and consciously selecting the words you are attaching to your experiences and doing it for a seven-day period, you’ll find an immediate change in how you feel and this becomes positively addictive. The emotional patterns we live are what control the quality of our lives. Read that again. You’ll even feel the difference in your body—a lot less pain and a lot more pleasure. Don’t you deserve to have a better quality of life? Plus when you’re in a great state, how do you treat others? The better your state, the more powerful the impact on everyone around you—your businesses, your friends, and your family.

Start today – begin now. If you choose to see this, you’ll see a real change. We can also tell you that when life throws you significant challenges, coming back to this 7-day process can be a way to get yourself back on target very quickly. We’d love to hear the impact of these 7 days on your life. If you’d like to share with us, please comment below ⬇️ “I’m going to watch my TV”.


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